by MomsGetReal Guest Contributor | Book Reviews
Getting Real with Alexi LAWLESS I’ve been asked several times who my favorite character is in Complicated Creatures. Is this where writers are supposed to say, “I love all my babies equally?” Because that’s how I feel to some extent. If I wrote the character, I...
by Shadra Bruce | Book Reviews
Full disclosure: Alexi Lawless hired my business, DaSh factor, for marketing & consultation. It was just a deliciously wonderful surprise that I’ve ended up loving her book (a curl up and read romantic-erotic-adventure) enough to recommend it here on MomsGetReal....
by Shadra Bruce | Book Reviews, Special Needs
Getting Real With Shadra Bruce Most parents worry about organization before school starts, but for us, it takes a good month before we can figure out how we can best help our son, who has Asperger’s, which is either aggravated by or in addition to a sensory...
by Shadra Bruce | Book Reviews
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce Hugh Laurie has been gracing the small screen with his odd humor since the early 80s, writing many of the skits he appeared in, so it should come as no surprise that his book, “The Gun Seller” would tease out that same humor....
by Shadra Bruce | Book Reviews
Getting Real With Anika Bruce, age 9 I read a book called Swine Not by Jimmy Buffett. It is my dad’s book, and he read it too. He liked it a lot and so did I. The book is about a pig who is trying to find her brother. It is hard because she lives in Tennessee and he...
by Jennifer Poole | Book Reviews
Getting Real With Jennifer Poole If you or someone close to you has ever suffered from an eating disorder or even just struggled with yo-yo dieting then you should read the book Unbearable Lightness: A Story of Loss and Gain. I have always been a fan of Portia and...