by Kira Hazledine | On Motherhood, Pregnancy and Your Newborn
Getting Real with Kira Hazledine Those first few weeks after bringing the baby home are brutal. Everyone is trying to settle into a new routine, and your precious baby is adjusting to the outside world. Whether your new addition is bottle fed or breastfeed, nights are...
by Kira Hazledine | Pregnancy and Your Newborn
Getting Real with Kira Hazledine It was time for Round 2. Same battle ground, different kid. I entered the hospital for my second induction, as ready as an overdue pregnant woman can be for what’s to come. As the procrastinator that I am, I took no birthing classes. I...
by Kira Hazledine | On Motherhood, Pregnancy and Your Newborn
Getting Real with Kira Hazledine With my firstborn adorable daughter, she was in the room with me at the hospital from birth to discharge. Never was that child out of my sight, unless I went to the bathroom. Even then, either my husband or my mom was in the room to...
by Kira Hazledine | Keeping Marriage Strong, Pregnancy and Your Newborn
Getting Real with Kira Hazledine The postpartum life can be dicey for all involved. I know I have a short fuse shortly after giving birth, and I do what I can to not take my frustrations out on my husband. However, there’s such a thing as helping yourself. My husband...
by Kira Hazledine | Pregnancy and Your Newborn
Getting Real with Kira Hazledine Everyone loves a squishy baby. I know I do. I love holding other people’s babies even more than I love holding my own, because I can hand them back when they poop or start crying. You get all the benefits of baby snuggles without the...
by Kira Hazledine | Pregnancy and Your Newborn
Getting Real with Kira Hazledine I’ve heard horror stories about inductions that sound nothing like my own experiences. Inductions that lasted days and many that resulted in emergency c-sections. There are mothers that insist their babies were forced out when they...