by Shadra Bruce | On Motherhood
My youngest child turned 18 in October. That’s it – I managed to corral them all to adulthood. Where’s my prize? As it turns out – and to be honest, I already knew this since I have done this 4 times before – getting them to 18 is just...
by Shadra Bruce | On Motherhood, Stress Management
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce We moms are tough. We can take a lot. I mean, most of us can push something the size of a cantaloupe or larger through our vaginas, so we can handle a lot of shit. But this is a convergence of catastrophes unlike anything I would have...
by Shadra Bruce | Everything Baby, On Motherhood
Getting Real with Neve Spicer, Founder & Director at The nine months we spend carrying our babies can sometimes seem to fly by in a haze of appointments, celebrations and preparations. Once a mom passes her due date, though, time may seem to slow...
by Dynisha Smith | Let's Talk, On Motherhood, Parenting
In this climate we all hear a lot about the topic of race in a variety of ways. In the last year, I’ve seen different organizations and populations tackle ‘The Talk. If you don’t know, The Talk is a conversation that parents of color often have with their children to...
by Dynisha Smith | On Motherhood, Parenting
Getting Real with Dynisha Smith Today I missed my kid’s bus stop. I don’t know about where you live, but here you have to be at the stop to collect your kindergarten student or they are taken back to school. Thank gosh we are not the last stop or I might have...
by Dynisha Smith | Doing it Alone, On Motherhood
Getting Real with Dynisha Smith As a single mom, I engage differently. All of my relationships have mutated, mostly for the better, but change can be a hard pill to swallow. I can only hope I’m not alone, and this resonates with the other single parents, especially...