Disclosure Policy

MomsGetReal™ is here to help moms and parents be the best they can be – not only by being a great source of information and comfort, but in our commitment to keeping it real, celebrating diversity, and maintaining a judgment-free mom zone. We also want to help you save money by bringing you special offers whenever we think they will benefit you.

There are many costs involved with running a blog of this size — website hosting, technical support, design and development, and our small team of moms who help with the daily running this blog and its associated social media. To offset these costs, we display what we hope is unobtrusive advertising on the blog and occasionally use affiliate links in posts when they are available.

In addition, we occasionally accept opportunities to share posts, special offers, or giveaways in which we’ve worked directly with a brand or a brand’s representative who underwrites the costs involved with our time and effort.


Any ad, affiliate link, or sponsored post will be clearly marked as such, and we only accept opportunities that we feel will benefit our readers. Yes, we may make a few dollars here and there to offset our costs, but our primary goal is to bring you an opportunity to save money in the process or gain access to something you would not otherwise have had the chance to have. If there is ever an ad, sponsored post, or affiliate link that you feel doesn’t fit with MomsGetReal, I urge you to reach out to me directly at shadra@momsgetreal.com.

The integrity of this website is much more important to me and to all the moms here than making a few dollars to offset our costs. Any reviews or recommendations we make are based on our honest and genuine opinions. The affiliate links we share are for products we have used, believe in, or believe will benefit you – and they come from vetted companies and brands we trust. Your enjoyment of the site is our top priority, and we turn away advertising requests every single day that we think would not be beneficial to our readers.

You can trust wholeheartedly that the content you find on MomsGetReal™ is not influenced by money. Writing and sharing about our parenting experiences and life experiences as women is about passion, not profit. If you ever have questions or concerns, please drop us an email. We can’t please everyone, but we want to live with integrity, so we always welcome your input and constructive criticism.

Updated November 28, 2017.