Put on Your Own Oxygen Mask First

Allyship Is Active: It Isn’t Just a Bio with the Right Acronym
Allyship takes action, not just flag waving and acronyms in your bio. Here are 3 steps you can take to be a better ally.

Take a Breath, Mama. We’re Gonna Be Ok.
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce We moms are tough. We can take a lot. I mean, most of us can push something the size of a cantaloupe or larger through our vaginas, so we can handle a lot of shit. But this is a convergence of...

Deep Thoughts on the Holiday Season
The holiday season if filled with joy – and stress, envy, worry, sleeplessness, and so much more. Here are some tips (and rules) to help you survive.

Going Back to College as a New Parent
Going back to college as a new parent can be done, but there are definitely extra factors to consider to make it a feasible and successful experience.
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Guest contributors are moms who might be starting their own blogs or working on a book and want the exposure and credibility of being published on MomsGetReal, one of the longest-running mom blogs.

Having a Busy Life Isn’t the Goal
Some days we hang on for dear life from the minute we wake up until we go to bed, look at each other, and say, “WTF?!” But we try to minimize the busy life.

Working at Home Benefited My Kids at Every Age
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce Dave and I have been successfully working at home running a business for more than ten years. It was a rough start, but after different corporations had told us both that our choice was a career or our family, the decision was easy:...