by Dynisha Smith | Let's Talk, Parenting
Getting Real with Dynisha Smith I’m hoping that today’s blog becomes more of a conversation. I am genuinely so curious about how other parents make decisions for their house and whether they include their kids. So the whole premise of this is some social media...
by Dynisha Smith | Parenting, Stress Management
Getting Real with Dynisha Smith Guess what’s coming up? The best and worst part of the year – the holiday season. For ANY parent this can be a time of mixed emotions. I won’t speak on yours, but mine include joy, warmth, envy, guilt, embarrassment, and alcohol....
by Dynisha Smith | Education, Parenting
I’d like to think I’m the kind of parent who thinks ahead. In reality I’m the kind of parent who sort of thinks ahead when I have to, and mostly just waits until the last second. One area in which I made it a priority to really think ahead was education. Living in...
by Dynisha Smith | Doing it Alone, Self-Improvement
A friend and I were having a lively conversation about college the other day – and who has it harder. His arguments make sense – it’s hard for young people to want to go to college in this climate, despite the economic growth, because of the unreasonable hiring...
by Dynisha Smith | Let's Talk, Parenting, Raising Healthy Kids
When did your child first start noticing gender differences? I’m not talking about toys or colors, I’m talking about private parts. Before joining Boise State University’s counseling program, I couldn’t imagine how to start having these conversations with my...