by Shadra Bruce | Special Needs
Raising children on the autism spectrum can be very challenging. Over the years, we have discovered products that work to help meet the needs of our special children. The links to products in this article are affiliate links. MomsGetReal is an Amazon affiliate and...
by MomsGetReal | Raising Healthy Kids
Raising kids in the digital age is hard. Living offline used to be the norm if you grew up in the 70s, 80s, or even the 90s. Having a cell phone wasn’t a possibility and certainly not the norm. Facebook and Twitter were barely (if even) ideas and MySpace was not even...
by Shadra Bruce | Parenting
by Shadra Bruce When your child comes out as trans, your first feeling may be cautious surprise. You’ve lived with this person for their whole lives, and you never noticed a thing. Yet, if you want to support your child, it’s possible to respect their newfound...
by Shadra Bruce | Kid Safety
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce Going back to school isn’t what it used to be. I don’t actually miss having kids in school. I would not want to be a parent with kids in school right now. Look at what moms have to do to protect their kids these days! I...
by Kira Hazledine | Parenting
Getting Real with Kira Hazledine From early on, my daughter Hallie has made it clear what she likes to wear. I distinctly remember having to pull over on the side of the road in desperate attempts to figure out what was wrong with my usually happy child. She rarely...
by MomsGetReal Guest Contributor | Kid Safety
Kids are spending more time online these days, especially with hybrid learning. We asked David Lukić, security and compliance specialist at IDStrong, to give us a run down on internet safety for kids, including their heightened risk for identity theft. Getting Real...