by Jennifer Poole | On Motherhood
Getting Real With Jennifer Poole Every morning, when I drop my daughter off at the school daycare, I say I love you. She always responds “I love you too, Mommy.” The other day another mother overheard our exchange. She asked me how I got my daughter to do...
by Jennifer Poole | Teens and Tweens
Getting Real With Jennifer Poole A friend of my daughter’s has been saying she knows the stars of a popular Disney show. She has told my daughter that she video chats with them and has even given my nine year old a T-shirt signed by the cast and a personal letter from...
by Jennifer Poole | Let's Talk, Teens and Tweens
Getting Real With Jennifer Poole Years ago, when I worked with juvenile offenders, I attended a training that stated the most difficult time for most boys is the first year of junior high/middle school. Everything is changing – now they have lockers, many teachers,...
by Jennifer Poole | BoobiePower
Getting Real with Jennifer Poole It is the time of year where every weekend it seems there is a walk/run event to create awareness and raise money for a cause, everything from breast cancer to birth defects to autism to cystic fibrosis. When trying to decide if you...
by Jennifer Poole | Book Reviews
Getting Real With Jennifer Poole If you or someone close to you has ever suffered from an eating disorder or even just struggled with yo-yo dieting then you should read the book Unbearable Lightness: A Story of Loss and Gain. I have always been a fan of Portia and...