by Shadra Bruce | Kid Safety, Parenting, Raising Healthy Kids
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce I started to write this by saying “the conversation you have with your kids about drugs is one of the most difficult and most important you’ll ever have.” That’s inaccurate. To really have an impact on your kids...
by Shadra Bruce | Kid Safety, Parenting
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce Every time I accidentally get exposed to the news – local or national – I hear about the drug epidemic. Opioids are killing people in record numbers. Kids and adults alike are addicted to prescription pain killers, and...
by Shadra Bruce | Let's Talk, Teens and Tweens
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce The teenage years are a time when many young people experiment with their growing independence. Sometimes those experiments are with harmful and potentially addictive substances. Parents of teenagers should watch for the following signs...