by Kira Hazledine | Parenting, Raising Healthy Kids
Getting Real with Kira Hazledine There are a lot of challenges when it comes to parenting. There are days when my ability to function is in the toilet and my child eats a lot of goldfish and string cheese. There are other moments when I feel like a complete failure...
by Shadra Bruce | Adult Children, Keeping Marriage Strong, Love, On Motherhood, Parenting
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce I have been so blessed to have a full house from the time I met Dave. He already had three children, and they quickly became my own as our relationship developed. Once we were married, we added two more, with a total of five children...
by Shadra Bruce | On Motherhood
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce In motherhood, when doubt creeps in, it can be difficult to work through. Is there any mother in the world who hasn’t gotten to the end of the day and wondered if they’ve failed? Or let’s say your child is 18 and...
by Shadra Bruce | Parenting
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce The “summer slide” is the learning loss that happens during our long summers here in the U.S. Few kids are helping on the family farm, but there have been no adjustments to the lengthy summer break originally designed for harvest....
by Shadra Bruce | Adult Children, Parenting
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce I’m not immune to other mom blogs. Quite a few of us roam in the same circles, and I enjoy hearing different views. It’s how we all become better parents, but it’s also the perfect breeding ground for insecurities. Regardless of how old...