by MomsGetReal Guest Contributor | Kid Safety
Kids are spending more time online these days, especially with hybrid learning. We asked David Lukić, security and compliance specialist at IDStrong, to give us a run down on internet safety for kids, including their heightened risk for identity theft. Getting Real...
by Shadra Bruce | Kid Safety, Raising Healthy Kids
Do you keep track of every minute your kids are on the internet, on social media, or connected to people outside of your home? I don’t. I can’t even keep up. I’m not sure it’s even possible. My kids are 17 and 15, so I’m hoping I’ve...
by Shadra Bruce | Kid Safety, Let's Talk
June is a great month, offering a sense of relief at being beyond the reach of any further cold weather. The last snowstorm is a distant memory, the last day of school has been celebrated. Everything is all smiles. Of course, all of that celebration is often followed...