by Shadra Bruce | Let's Talk, Making Memories, Stepparenting
Every family has their own traditions, especially on the holidays. Hot chocolate on Christmas eve, the Memorial Day wiffle ball tournament, even knowing who gets the wishbone at Thanksgiving dinner….these are all special and cherished moments. But you...
by Shadra Bruce | Let's Talk, Stepparenting
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce Blending a family is no easy task. As much as you may want your partner’s child or children to accept you, it can be a slow process. Some children are ready and want a new parent in the household, but others may resist. It’s important to...
by Shadra Bruce | Let's Talk, Stepparenting
Getting Real With Shadra Bruce Parenting, as rewarding as it is, can be a tough job. There are a lot of demands and pressures that go with raising kids, but they are often offset by the enormous fulfillment that comes from raising children. Stepparenting is even...
by Shadra Bruce | Stepparenting
by Shadra Bruce Building a successful blended family can be a very difficult process for everyone involved. I often suggest that stepparents need to talk to their spouses – that open communication is the best path to resolution – as often as possible. However, when...
by Shadra Bruce | Let's Talk, Stepparenting
by Shadra Bruce Becoming a stepparent can be as nerve-wracking as becoming a parent for the first time. It’s not much different: there are expectations, a role to be performed, and a child’s life influenced by your decisions, actions, and behaviors....