When Your Child’s Grades Drop

When Your Child’s Grades Drop

By Shadra Bruce When your child’s grades suddenly swing from passing to “How did this happen?!” there may be cause for concern.  However, jumping to the conclusion that he or she was goofing around instead of paying attention or not putting in enough...
Using Stress to Keep Your Marriage Strong

Using Stress to Keep Your Marriage Strong

Every relationship, if it lasts long enough, has to survive periods of intense stress. While there are certain life events that cause a great deal of stress, like changing jobs or schools, getting married or divorced, having a child or having a child go away to school...
Disciplining As A Team

Disciplining As A Team

Probably one of the more notable challenges of raising kids is adjusting to the various lifestyles and attitudes each member of the parenting team (a married couple, a divorced couple, stepparents) bring to the table. My stepkids were old enough, when their biological...
Bad Days and Bedtime

Bad Days and Bedtime

There are just some days that bedtime is my favorite time of day. As humans, we are all entitled to have good days and bad days but what does a family do when we all have the same bad day? The most useful piece of advice I can offer is to keep a sense of humor!...
Make the Right Choices for the Kids Sake

Make the Right Choices for the Kids Sake

Cinderella probably had the most famous stepmother of all time. Wicked and cruel, she did everything she could to keep Cinderella from marrying the handsome prince and living happily ever after. Why Cinderella’s father married her in the first place is something...