by Brittany Tiedmann | Breastfeeding, Everything Baby
Getting Real with Brittany Tiedemann Before I had my daughter I was all excited to breastfeed her. There are so many benefits from it, and like all moms, I wanted what was best for my baby. I did all my research on how to properly breastfeed. I bought a pump just in...
by Brittany Tiedmann | Everything Baby, On Motherhood, Raising Healthy Kids
They say the first day of daycare is the hardest. “They” lied. It’s week three here with daycare, and it is still so heart-wrenching leaving her every morning. Trust me, my husband and I took months to find the perfect daycare, and honestly,...
by Brittany Tiedmann | Everything Baby, On Motherhood, Parenting
Getting Real with Brittany Tiedmann I have a lot of non-mom friends. I am one of the first in my group of friends to have a baby. Everyone was so excited for us and ready to spoil the baby as much as possible. Gifts came right and left from them with so much...
by Brittany Tiedmann | Everything Baby, Making Memories, Parenting
Getting Real with Brittany Tiedmann This year will be the first Christmas with our new baby. Since we had her in October, my husband and I had agreed that because she is so small we wouldn’t do gifts for her this year. Now before you jump down my throat here let...