When you enter the world of being a parent you have entered a whole new way of life and existence than you have ever known before. You can read all the books and listen to the advice of your family and friends but you have truly got to be prepared for putting someone else’s needs, wants, and desires above your own. You will no longer be living your life as a couple once you bring a new life into the world.

Being a parent brings with it a new set of responsibilities and priorities that takes some getting used to. Some people ease into this transition easier than others. I always wanted to be a mom. Honestly, I never even considered a life without children. Making the choice to embrace the sacrifices necessary to be a parent was the easiest and best decision I have ever made in my life. My children mean the world to me and I do not know what I would do without them.

My children give my life true meaning. What an adventure it has been over the last fourteen years since I found out I was pregnant the first time. It is strange how it can feel like just yesterday and yet when I look back over the years, I realize the huge emotional and financial investment that I have made in my family. I have put my heart and soul into the challenge of raising my children and the payoff is greater than anything you can imagine.

So while all the advice in the world cannot prepare you for the amount of sacrifice that you undertake as you first begin the adventure of becoming a parent, it is equally as impossible to describe the rewards. There is not another experience in life that will ever compare to being the best parent you can be to your children. It is the best investment I have ever made!