by Shadra Bruce | Self-Improvement
Allyship is an important part of any movement. It’s far easier for people in positions of power to ignore something when it’s just small portions of oppressed groups speaking up. Having people with far more privilege make noise with everyone else gives the movement a...
by Shadra Bruce | On Motherhood, Stress Management
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce We moms are tough. We can take a lot. I mean, most of us can push something the size of a cantaloupe or larger through our vaginas, so we can handle a lot of shit. But this is a convergence of catastrophes unlike anything I would have...
by Dynisha Smith | Parenting, Stress Management
Getting Real with Dynisha Smith Guess what’s coming up? The best and worst part of the year – the holiday season. For ANY parent this can be a time of mixed emotions. I won’t speak on yours, but mine include joy, warmth, envy, guilt, embarrassment, and alcohol....
by Shadra Bruce | Back to School, Self-Improvement
Starting a family changes your life in many ways. When you’re pregnant, it’s normal to think about how different your life will be in a very short time. You’ll have to make some sacrifices (including sleep!), it’s true. But one thing you shouldn’t have to sacrifice is...
by Dynisha Smith | Doing it Alone, Self-Improvement
A friend and I were having a lively conversation about college the other day – and who has it harder. His arguments make sense – it’s hard for young people to want to go to college in this climate, despite the economic growth, because of the unreasonable hiring...
by Shadra Bruce | Healthy Eating, Recipe Corner
Figuring out what to make can be the toughest part of putting a meal together. As a busy mom, you have a hard enough time getting everyone together for a meal, and then you don’t even know what to cook on any given night. This can often lead you to choose...