What happens when the war never ends? What do you do when it has been several years since your divorce and the war continues on? There have been changes over the years. There have been changes in jobs. There have been changes in residence. Yet one thing remains the same. Your ex-spouse still feels the need to belittle you and bad mouth you to your children, or at the very least they allow their new spouse to carry on in this way. What do you do? Well, as hard as it may be, YOU TAKE THE HIGH ROAD.

The only ones this behavior hurts are the children. As hard as it is, you have to refrain from joining in this juvenile behavior. Rest assured that as your children grow and mature and become young adults, they will see where the manipulation originates. It is of utmost importance for you to protect your future relationship with your children by not partaking in this sort of behavior. You will ensure that you have a clear conscience knowing that you have never talked badly about your children’s other parent.

This is certainly not the easiest thing you will ever do, nor the most difficult. But taking the high road and maintaining your own personal dignity for the sake of your children is definitely worth the effort. It will pay off in the long run. And all of this will be clear to your children as they grow up and have families of their own. They will see right through what was happening. You have to decide now which end of the spectrum you want to be on. What light do you want your children to see you in? I know for myself I want my children to know that I did the best that I could possibly do and I put my own feelings aside for the benefit of them and their well being.