MomsGetReal™ Poet Extraordinaire Tammy Bartholomew


A relationship

Thought was true

Turns out

Never knew

There are days

Angry and confused

Worked so hard

Everything to loose

Lost myself

How this could be

Worked so hard

Independent and free

Didn’t listen to

All the warning signs

Leader of myself

Or be left behind

Where was I

My kids half grown

Looking to the future

And I all alone

Worried about

What was best

Was I bad mom

For needing to rest

Feelings ate me

Days on end

Was their mother

My sole job to raise them

How you explain

Pain and scars

Kids confused

Of who you are

He needed a chance

My dad not there

Get to know them

That’s only fair

He wasn’t taking them

My identity gone

No wife no mother

Where would I belong

Today’s the day

Start looking at me

Scared as hell

My new identity