We’ve all been there: the one-size-fits-all item that really doesn’t fit, whether it’s clothing or something else. But what happens when it’s your child’s baby book, and the standard assumptions simply do not apply, because your baby was born 15 weeks early and spent the first month of his or her life in the hospital?

We are thrilled to share with our readers this most wonderful discovery – a scrapbook designed just for moms and dads with preemie babies. A Journey to Home: A Preemie Baby Book and NICU Companion Journal is available on Amazon and comes in both pink and blue.

Jessica Williams, author of the books and owner of thepreemie.com website, describes the books: “A Journey to Home’ is a comprehensive Preemie Baby Book and NICU Journal. Over three years in the making, this journal will be a companion during the NICU stay, and a book of memories in the future. It is a book of expectations, setting parents up for a true understanding of what is to come. It builds resources while celebrating the joys of their baby’s life.”

The books are available through Amazon, Etsy, and Lulu and offer parents of preemies something that addresses the very different journey they take when having a baby. Those who purchase the book may also visit Jessica’s site to download a medical care section insert to document the medical care your baby requires.

Please visit thepreemie.com for more information and to see the wonderful work Jessica is doing to support preemie parents!