Not all battles are fought in Afghanistan and Iraq. In fact, one of the biggest battles being fought right now is a war we can all help win: the war to eradicate breast cancer! MomsGetReal™ is thrilled to announce that we are joining the Army of Women in their efforts to eradicate breast cancer, and we would be honored if all of our readers (women AND men!) would join too, and invite their friends to join as well.

The Army of Women was formed by the partnership between The Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation and the Avon Foundation for Women, a global leader in breast cancer research. They have two key goals:

  • To recruit one million healthy women of every age and ethnicity, including breast cancer survivors and women at high-risk for the disease, to partner with breast cancer researchers and directly participate in the research that will eradicate breast cancer once and for all.
  • To challenge the scientific community to expand its current focus to include breast cancer prevention research conducted on healthy women.

Our own MomsGetReal™ contributing writer, Jennifer Poole, is a survivor of breast cancer, and it is in her honor that we have chosen to join more forcefully in this battle. There is no cost to join the Army of Women, and once you join, you’ll have the opportunity to invite all of your friends and family to join as well.

Breast cancer is a battle that needs more soldiers to fight against it. Will you join us, please, in making a difference?