MomsGetReal™ Poet Extraordinaire Tammy Bartholomew
Casualty of War
Casualty of war
Words you would say
When you called me
That cold winter day
Tears started to roll
Asking what did I do
Making you so mad
The end to lose you
I’m angry
Even at myself
Not worthy
Of you or anyone else
Divorce not in my vocab
Not ever to me
What was the lesson
You wanted me to see
I racked my brain
Trying to look back
Where did I miss the bullets
This vicious attack
You weren’t even home
How would I begin
To learn to live
Over again
Then it hit me
Not to be left behind
What you were saying
The future was mine
You’re mean and cruel
Things your head
Get over you
Isn’t that what you said
Didn’t like what I saw
Or know you anymore
I will go on but
Not being a casualty of your war
So true, divorce is like a war where everybody involved is a casualty one way or another. And the worst is that there are no winners.
Divorce, provided that it is uncontested, does not need to be a war. It will be a painful process, but provided that both parties can keep their emotions in check, divorce does not need to do as much damage as you might think.
I was able to obtain a very quick and painless divorce from my first husband, but only because there were no children involved. When there are children involved, it is almost always a painful experience, even if it is not war.