Getting Real with Kira Hazledine
Hallie truly loves music. When my parents asked if we would all like to attend a U2 concert, including Hallie, we hesitated for only a moment. Hallie is generally well-behaved, despite her gremlin behaviors that come naturally to a toddler. My husband and I were pretty convinced it wouldn’t be a problem, and we were excited for our upcoming concert!
Due to my procrastinating nature, I spent very little time preparing. No surprise there. I did some research and bought some well-reviewed baby headphones, and my dad picked up some infant-safe ear plugs to go underneath. The obvious diaper bag items were floating around in my head, when my dad, who actually plans accordingly, realized that I would not be able to take a diaper bag.
Then my dad informed me that no liquids were allowed.
Now although I am in the weaning process and could in theory still breastfeed, Hallie was reliant on a bottle of whole milk at least in the late afternoon. (This was only days before Hallie decided to tell me to take a flying leap, and that she was NOT going to be weaned. That is a story for another day). Thankfully, I have an amazing set of parents who handle all that business for me. My dad was able to figure out exactly what we could take into the stadium, all in a clear plastic bag, and maneuvered allowing milk in for my young daughter.
We arrived at the stadium with our plastic bags in hand, and enough milk, snacks, wipes, and diapers to make it through the evening. However, the gates were not open yet and my sleeping child was about to exhaust my arms. As we still had a couple hours to the actual start of the concert, I made a mom sacrifice and laid on the concrete so that Hallie could sleep more comfortably. It would pay off later, and what’s a little dirt? Right? Right.
Once we were into the stadium, Hallie was awake and fascinated by all around her. I knew that as soon as the music started, she would be golden. Problem was, the music wasn’t going to start for another 45 minutes. So, we wandered. I took her little hand, stretched her pint-sized legs, and we weaved our way through the crowds purchasing pretzels and expensive containers of cheap drinks. We did this until the music started, and Hallie received many compliments on her 2T U2 shirt (thanks Nana and Papa). We also had some odd looks and people telling me how brave I was, but I wasn’t bothered in the least. I know what I’m about, son.
The second the music began, Hallie had her ear plugs and headphones in place, and she rocked out. She danced standing on my legs and couldn’t get enough. She kept looking at her dad and I, pointing at the performers. Many of the songs she was familiar with. Admittedly, she didn’t last the whole night. A few songs into the main act she was fast asleep, despite her efforts to stay awake. She slept for the entire concert, awakening only briefly for the encore, and slept on the way back to the hotel.
Obviously not every child could make it through a concert. We know for a fact that Hallie can enjoy music for hours. I made the mistake only once of taking her to my sister’s play, foolishly thinking she would behave, only to have her run through the aisles and try to eat the program. Not every event is for every child, but that doesn’t mean your adult life should end. Don’t let young children prevent you from traveling or experiencing! Was I able to drink or party like the people a few rows ahead of me? No. But I still experienced an awesome concert. I’m ok with compromise that lets me have a good time with my whole family.