MomsGetReal Guest Contributor Stacey Stanbery

When I was pregnant with my daughter, I was surprised at all the changes that took place in my body. The love and joy I felt at her first kicks were stronger than I’d ever imagined. And so was the back pain! By sharing stories with the other mommies at the park and surfing the internet, I’ve since then come across literally hundreds of products that I had no idea existed just two short years ago. Here are some of the coolest products that I wish I knew about when I was pregnant.

Bra Extenders

I always expected to need to expand my waistbands as my belly grew, but I didn’t count on my bra size getting bigger. I went from a 34C to a 40DD in a matter of weeks! For those in between stages when I needed a slightly bigger bra but didn’t want to buy new lingerie, a bra extender would have been great– they increase your band size by up to 2 inches.

Sea Bands

I was lucky during my pregnancy, because my morning sickness was fairly mild and I was able to keep it at bay with peppermints and saltine crackers. But Sea Bands would have been great for those tough days. They are simple wrist bands that stimulate an acupuncture point that reduces nausea without using drugs.

Belly Bands

As my daughter grew bigger and bigger, so did the strain on my lower back. Belly bands provide support around your growing belly to keep the strain off your back muscles and keep you comfortable during your pregnancy.

Holo Mattress

The Holo Mattress is something I really wish I’d known about! It’s an air mattress with a hole to accommodate your belly. It can be used on the beach, in the pool, or on top of your bed to allow you to find a comfortable sleeping position that is safe for your baby.

Pregnancy Pillows

During my pregnancy, I insisted on making do with bed pillows stacked between my knees or under my legs for comfort. A pregnancy pillow would have been much better, as they are body-sized and provide support for your legs and entire back as sleeping becomes more difficult.

Groin Supports

I’ve heard this is less of a problem if you carry high, but between the swelling and my daughter riding low through much of my late pregnancy, I often felt like everything was just going to fall out the bottom! Groin supports are just what they sound like: support for your pelvis to help fight that sinking feeling.

Grocery Delivery

Pregnant women shouldn’t have to pack bags of groceries up two flights of stairs. Grocery delivery services are becoming more and more widespread, and you can order your groceries online and have them delivered right to your door. This is even more helpful if you are on bed rest or activity restrictions.

Weekly Pregnancy Planner

With the explosion of smartphones and associated apps on the market, you can find all kinds of programs that will allow you to track your pregnancy week by week, learning how big your baby is and what important parts are developing. You can even share the big news on Facebook! What a fun way to celebrate your coming new arrival.

I wish I would have known these products existed during my pregnancy. My little girl is happy and healthy, but when her siblings come along, I’ll be watching out for these convenient and comforting items.

Stacey Stanbery is an avid mommy blogger and loves sharing her experiences with the world. Learn more about maternity compression clothing at