Getting Real With & Poet Extraordinaire Tammy Bartholomew

The Warrior

A true warrior

Who’d fight till the end

Is it a sister, neighbor, lover

Maybe your best friend

Is it the soldier

Who wears a uniform each day

Walking out the door

Maybe the last of their stay

Your neighbor

Leaving from time to time

Family waits their return

Their life on the line

The friend

Talking to you dusk to dawn

Wondering if you’ll be okay

Check on you the next early morn

It might be the person

Who takes you to lunch

Giving you a big hug

Whispering I love you so much

A family member

Who becomes extremely ill

You become their warrior

Giving them strength to heal

See warriors change face

All the time

They don’t always hide

Behind enemy lines

Our warriors stare

Us straight in the face

We never know it

Because we ‘re looking in the wrong place

Always thinking the warrior

Our father, husband or brother

When all along the warrior

Was our mother