MomsGetReal™ is proud to support people and communities trying to make a difference in the world.
Thanks to Jessica Harris from SavetheChildren for sharing this critical information! Please mark your calendars for October 15 and encourage the kids in your life to wash their hands!
Did you know children miss 272 million school days each year because of diarrhea?
That fact stinks. Especially when the illness can be prevented in large measure through handwashing.
It seems like such a simple thing to do. But in many poor countries around the world clean water and soap is hard to come by. And when kids don’t wash their hands, they get sick.
October 15 is Global Handwashing Day, and Save the Children is taking action by encouraging kids around the world to “wash your hands!” It is part of the global organization’s effort to help children stay healthy and stay in school. Handwashing is one component of Save the Children’s School Health and Nutrition programs that includes providing school children with access to safe and child-friendly water, sanitation and hygiene facilities and education.
To help spread the word (and not germs) on Global Handwashing Day, you can take these simple actions:
- Share Save the Children’s “Dirty Word: Germs” video on the importance of handwashing on Facebook, Twitter and email.
- Help provide clean water to school children and communities around the world. and
- Learn more about Global Handwashing Day
Plan your own Global Handwashing Day even at your school, home or work.
Together, we can make a world of difference, and help wash this problem away.