by Kira Hazledine | Work at Home
Getting Real with Kira Hazledine As a work-at-home mom, I do my best to find balance between my time at the computer and time spent with my children. 95% of the time I am in complete agreement that the work can wait. Play with your children. Appreciate the moments...
by Kira Hazledine | Work at Home
Getting Real with Kira Hazledine I am lucky to have access to self-employment. My wonderful momma has given me the opportunity to contract with her on a regular basis, and it benefits me now more than ever. I get to be home with my daughter while my husband works, and...
by Shadra Bruce | Let's Talk, Work at Home
Getting Real With Shadra Bruce When I said goodbye to my “atrocious boss” and decided to work from home almost 10 years ago, the first job I got was to write 100 testimonials for a company. I had two days to do it and they were paying $125. It was the...
by Shadra Bruce | Let's Talk, Work at Home
Getting Real With Shadra Bruce When you’re raising kids, your priority as moms and dads is to make sure you provide them with the best care. This often means mom staying home, eking by on one income, and making financial sacrifices. With the recent twists and...
by Shadra Bruce | Let's Talk, Work at Home
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce When I was pregnant with my first child, I was working a what many would consider a great corporate job. I did work with great people, I loved going to work every day, and made a decent salary. (I did have an atrocious boss, one of two...