by Shadra Bruce | Let's Talk, Raising Healthy Kids
Getting Real With Shadra Bruce Your child has earned time in the corner again, like every child is bound to do. Problem is, your child doesn’t quite mind time-out. They practically mock you as they smile and sing in the corner as if nothing was amiss. Clearly...
by Shadra Bruce | Let's Talk, Raising Healthy Kids
Getting Real With Shadra Bruce Children of all ages engage in irritating behaviors that are likely to drive you crazy. Sometimes, it seems like it is wired into their systems to figure out exactly what provokes parents the most and then repeat the behavior as much as...
by Shadra Bruce | Teens and Tweens
by Shadra Bruce Tween attitude is frustrating to say the least. It’s the mouthy responses that get to me the most. When I’m feeling sane and calm, I can see that my kids are simply trying to be clever, exert their personalities, and express their opinions. When I’m...