by Shadra Bruce | Sponsored Content
Toddlers are messy eaters. As they learn to feed themselves, they also enjoy discovering gravity, finding out that bowls fit like hats, and generally making a mess of everything. Enter plates and bowls that will stick to high chair trays and table surfaces. But did...
by Shadra Bruce | Making Memories, Parenting, Raising Healthy Kids, Toddlers
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce When our daughter, Anika, was three, we took her out of daycare so that I could have some time with her and her brother over the summer before going back to work (I was headed back to the corporate world that fall). They spent the summer...
by Kira Hazledine | Parenting, Toddlers
Getting Real with Kira Hazledine The amount of parenting rules is almost more exhausting than parenting itself. Almost. Everyone’s got an opinion, and I’ll admit that I get on my own high-horse every now and again. However, I try to check myself with important...
by Shadra Bruce | Toddlers
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce I admit that it has been at least 14 years since I’ve really had to be responsible for potty training another individual…but has potty training really changed that much? It seems so. Now, I freely admit that I’m a...
by Shadra Bruce | Parenting, Teens and Tweens, Toddlers
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce By the time our youngest daughter, Anika, was 3, she was a fashion queen. She was a confident and happy little girl who liked to make a statement. She wore hats—a baseball cap to the side, or a flowery concoction, or even a winter cap...