by Shadra Bruce | Let's Talk, Stress Management
Despite the fact that we work at home, we are not immune to the demands of life when children return from school. Just because we are home doesn’t mean we’ve tended to the household (you should see the dust that piles up, normally until Dave can’t stand it...
by Shadra Bruce | Let's Talk, Stress Management
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce Being a mom is a full-time job by itself. Balancing family, your personal life, school and work, as well as everything else that life tosses in your direction can sometimes seem overwhelming. One way to save your sanity and learn to...
by Shadra Bruce | Creating Balance
Getting Real With Shadra Bruce Get up. Go to work. Sit in traffic. Drive home. Sit in traffic. Go to sleep. Lather, rinse, repeat. For most, this is a daily routine. While we always manage to find the time to work more, sleep less, and ignore our health, we never seem...
by Chris Wilcox | Chris Crossing
View from the Dragonfly’s Back MomsGetReal Soul Feeder Chris Wilcox I have amazing friends. I’m lucky for that. The people in my life are all there for reasons that most days I cannot yet fathom because – to quote Wayne & Garth –...
by Shadra Bruce | Let's Talk, Stress Management
Getting Real With Shadra Bruce To cope with stress (the body can’t tell the difference between sabre tooth tigers and atrocious bosses), the body’s fight or flight response causes a dump of adrenaline, cortisol and norepinephrine into the body. These are...