From Possible Babysitter to StepMom

From Possible Babysitter to StepMom

Getting Real with Shadra Bruce My husband and I met online. That’s not unusual these days, but in 1997, it was a rarer occurrence. We met in an AOL chat room – a place I was spending more and more time as my marriage fell apart. Dave was a divorced dad with full...
Step Parenting Resources to Help You

Step Parenting Resources to Help You

Getting Real With Shadra Bruce No matter where you are on the journey of stepparenting, there are moments when you stop and wonder what you’ve signed on for. I’ve compiled a list of resources here to help, and I’m always happy to talk to stepmoms and...

Stepmoms: Just Be There with an Open Heart

Getting Real With Shadra Bruce It was heartbreaking for me watching our older kids wait for phone calls that never came, visits that never materialized, and relationships that never happened with their biological mother. I wanted nothing more than to magically go back...
Blood Doesn’t Equal Family

Blood Doesn’t Equal Family

Getting Real with Shadra Bruce Think of the first five people that you would call in an emergency. Are they blood relatives? If they’re not, do you consider them to be part of your family? Family is not just about who you are tied to biologically. Blood may be...