by Shadra Bruce | On Motherhood, Raising Healthy Kids, Toddlers
Getting Real With Shadra Bruce Almost from the time your child is born, you’re aware of the ticking clock counting down to the toddler years – particularly that second birthday. You’re prepared for it. You’re ready to embrace your toddler’s new-found...
by Shadra Bruce | Stepparenting
Getting Real With Shadra Bruce No matter where you are on the journey of stepparenting, there are moments when you stop and wonder what you’ve signed on for. I’ve compiled a list of resources here to help, and I’m always happy to talk to stepmoms and...
by Shadra Bruce | Let's Talk, Raising Healthy Kids
Getting Real With Shadra Bruce There are things that your child might do and wear that make you cringe. For example, Kira got her tongue pierced a few years back and all I could think was, “Ouch!” (And, “Stop lisping!”) Yet she was happy, and...
by Shadra Bruce | Health, Let's Talk
Getting Real With Shadra Bruce Sometimes that morning coffee just doesn’t do it for you. We’ve all had days where we are just dragging, whether we are low on sleep, overworked, or just plain worn out. But if you’re having a hard time shaking...
by Shadra Bruce | Stepparenting
Getting Real With Shadra Bruce When there is more than one person caring for a child there are bound to be disagreements. It can come down to personal preference or may actually be differing values based on how your were raised. But the disagreement itself is rarely...