by Shadra Bruce | Adult Children, Toddlers, Work at Home
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce Living with toddlers is hard. I freely admit I am a control freak. So is my husband. We like everything just. so. We have our reasons – it’s partly in our personalities, and it’s partly because we run a fast-paced,...
by Kira Hazledine | Parenting, Toddlers
Getting Real with Kira Hazledine I had a short debate with some mom friends who had experienced both infants and toddlers, and I was in the minority when I claimed that toddlers were harder. Sure, infants do their fair share of crying, and it’s honestly a guessing...
by Shadra Bruce | On Motherhood, Raising Healthy Kids, Toddlers
Getting Real With Shadra Bruce Almost from the time your child is born, you’re aware of the ticking clock counting down to the toddler years – particularly that second birthday. You’re prepared for it. You’re ready to embrace your toddler’s new-found...
by Megan Gregory | Kid Safety, Toddlers
Getting Real with Megan Gregory I never had pink eye growing up, and I had truly been convinced the only way to contract it was by getting feces in your eye. Yes, up until my mid-20s, I honestly believed you needed to get feces into your eye in order to get pink eye....