by Shadra Bruce | Adult Children, Parenting, Teens and Tweens
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce Letting your kids fail is good parenting. There are risks in every decision. As moms, we encourage our children to try and try again, but sometimes it’s easy to skim over what failing teaches us. Sometimes it’s not as simple as getting...
by MomsGetReal Guest Contributor | Let's Talk, Parenting
Getting Real With Veronic Ibarra My daughter is very fond at age 7 to point out how unfair everything is around our house. It isn’t fair that she has to clean up the toys in the living room when she didn’t make all the mess. It isn’t fair that she...
by Shadra Bruce | Creating Balance, Stepparenting, Teens and Tweens
The words adult children may seem oxymoronic, and while the term refers to any child you’ve managed to raise to the age of 18 or beyond, the ones I’m really talking are those kids between 18 and 24 who are technically adults but who still require a bit...