by Kira Hazledine | Health, On Motherhood
Getting Real with Kira Hazledine I took the internet test for post-partum depression and anxiety that was offered by my handy pregnancy app. It told me I didn’t need help, but to “watch for the signs.” As someone who has dealt with anxiety in combination with PTSD, I...
by Kira Hazledine | Let's Talk, On Motherhood, Parenting
Getting Real with Kira Hazledine I don’t think how I realized how much crying there would be in motherhood, and I’m not just talking late nights with newborns and toddler tantrums. I’ve done my fair share of crying as a mom and I wasn’t prepared for this emotional...
by Kira Hazledine | Health, On Motherhood
Getting Real with Kira Hazledine The day rolls forward like any other. Wake up, diaper changes, snacks, meals, toys, baths, play dates, outdoor activities… the list never ends for a mom. This doesn’t include the dirty bathroom, the piles of laundry, or the kitchen...
by Shadra Bruce | Let's Talk, Pregnancy and Your Newborn
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce Having a child is a joyous occasion. There is so much excitement over a new baby, and everyone expects the new mother to be overcome with happiness. Unfortunately, having a baby isn’t all rainbows and sunshine…it is a huge...