Family Safety

Family Safety

Recently, a home burned down in our community and left a family homeless and without any of their belongings. It’s heartbreaking when something like that happens, and I am always grateful for the volunteer fire department in our village for their rapid response...
We’re Babyproofing Again

We’re Babyproofing Again

Getting Real with Shadra Bruce We have a very curious toddler in the house again, and that means we are babyproofing again. Our home, which has for years only housed teens, tweens, and adults, is nothing more than a giant danger zone for our granddaughter. So while...
IoT Toy Security

IoT Toy Security

The Internet of Things (IoT) is growing rapidly, and the implications for children and parents are important. Most parents have no idea of the security issues surrounding toys and devices that are connected as part of the IoT, and this lack of understanding puts many...