by Kira Hazledine | Keeping Marriage Strong, Love
Getting Real with Kira Hazledine “Cheating” is a subjective concept depending on the couple. Casual flirting could be the norm for some relationships, when in others, it could be a deal-breaker. Yet here we are, with another form of infidelity that is hitting the...
by Shadra Bruce | Keeping Marriage Strong, Love, Raising Healthy Kids, Travel
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce I am always talking about the next road trip and the importance of family vacations, but escaping alone with your spouse, whether for a simple overnight or a few days, is just as important. It’s not just good for you and your...
by Kira Hazledine | Parenting
Getting Real with Kira Hazledine Parenting is survival. Sleep is a very precious, especially with younger kids, and if you’re getting sleep you’re not going to complain about how it’s happening. Sleep is sleep. Which is why I don’t get concerned when my husband and I...
by Shadra Bruce | Adult Children, Keeping Marriage Strong, Love, On Motherhood, Parenting
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce I have been so blessed to have a full house from the time I met Dave. He already had three children, and they quickly became my own as our relationship developed. Once we were married, we added two more, with a total of five children...
by Kira Hazledine | Keeping Marriage Strong, Love
Getting Real with Kira Hazledine My husband and I began on a non-traditional note. Our relationship has been a whirlwind from day one, and we didn’t go through the typical stages of a relationship. Our “dates” were all online chats, and we were engaged before we ever...