by Kira Hazledine | Kid Safety, On Motherhood, Parenting, Raising Healthy Kids, Toddlers
Getting Real with Kira Hazledine Now that I’m thinking about it, a lot of people asked me a very weird question when Hallie was first born. “What is Hallie going to call her parts?” Uhm… what? I must have been in a newborn baby stupor to not respond with more sass. I...
by Shadra Bruce | Raising Healthy Kids, Teens and Tweens
Getting Real With Shadra Bruce There’s no avoiding a little bit of gender bias in raising my kids. I mean, I guess we could have gone to the extremes of the Canadian couple who’ve chosen to raise their child genderless so that he/she can choose for...
by Shadra Bruce | Stepparenting
Building self-esteem is not typically a topic gets a lot of attention on a parenting site, but I’ve discovered, through my own experience with my children and through reading emails and having conversations with other stepmoms, that self-esteem, particularly...