Budget Fixes: Lower Your Weekly Spending

Budget Fixes: Lower Your Weekly Spending

Getting Real with Shadra Bruce Around here, we’re always saving for something. We’re either just back from a big trip and paying off whatever credit we might have used or we’re planning the next trip and putting away as much cash as possible for it....
5o Ways to Declutter Your Life

5o Ways to Declutter Your Life

Over the last several years, Dave and I have been focusing on simplifying our lives. From not buying stuff just to buy it to using what we have until it actually wears completely out to just enjoying each moment for the moment, we’re trying. Here’s 50...
Summer on a Budget

Summer on a Budget

Getting Real With Veronica Ibarra As the days seem to speed closer to the inevitable summer vacation, it’s time to start seeing what’s out there for cheap, if not free. So to really kick off my summer as Mommy Activities Director I did the first thing that all mothers...
Frugal Christmas Gift Ideas

Frugal Christmas Gift Ideas

The holidays are coming, but they aren’t the only drain on your finances this time of year. Utility costs go up, too. Sometimes, it seems like the gifts people are buying are not ones that have a lot of thought put into them but simply allow another person to be...