by Shadra Bruce | Family, Love, Resolving Conflict
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce My notion of what defines family has changed over time. When I was growing up, my family was big and glorious and messy and wonderful. I grew up surrounded by 16 aunts and uncles, 6 great aunts and uncles, 3 sets of grandparents, and 2...
by Shadra Bruce | Family, Home and Hearth, Kid Safety
Recently, a home burned down in our community and left a family homeless and without any of their belongings. It’s heartbreaking when something like that happens, and I am always grateful for the volunteer fire department in our village for their rapid response...
by Shadra Bruce | Family, Making Memories
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce We have a much busier household than I ever imagined at this point. I assumed all my children being moved out, aside from my youngest at 15, with Dave and I wondering how to spend our time and what we would cook for three people instead...
by Shadra Bruce | Stepparenting
Getting Real With Shadra Bruce It was heartbreaking for me watching our older kids wait for phone calls that never came, visits that never materialized, and relationships that never happened with their biological mother. I wanted nothing more than to magically go back...