by Shadra Bruce | Family, Making Memories
Getting Real with Shadra Bruce October is always an emotionally charged month for me on a very personal level. October is the sign that the seasons are changing. The leaves begin to change and fall and the days and nights get cooler. Although I do look forward to the...
by Shadra Bruce | Family, Making Memories, On Motherhood
Halloween is different for us now that we have three grown kids and two teenagers. Our kids, with pressure from us, stopped trick-or-treating around age 13. But Halloween is really for moms anyway, at least when the kids are really young. There are a few years where...
by Shadra Bruce | Let's Talk
I have always had so much fun putting costumes together. I am not always really original but we always end up with some great costumes. It is such a fun holiday that everyone in the house looks forward to. It is fun to dress up and the kids always have a contest for...