by Kira Hazledine | Pregnancy and Your Newborn
Getting Real with Kira Hazledine I’ve heard horror stories about inductions that sound nothing like my own experiences. Inductions that lasted days and many that resulted in emergency c-sections. There are mothers that insist their babies were forced out when they...
by Kira Hazledine | Pregnancy and Your Newborn
Getting Real with Kira Hazledine One of the most stressful things a mom considers before childbirth is how exactly they are going to push a baby out of their vagina. If you’re a first-time mom, the anxiety can be killer because you have no idea what to expect. You...
by Kira Hazledine | On Motherhood, Pregnancy and Your Newborn
Getting Real with Kira Hazledine The short answer? Absolutely. For all I know the induction, as well as my quick-thinking doctor, saved my daughter’s life. There’s a huge trend leading towards “natural” childbirth, whatever that is supposed to mean. There is no right...
by Kira Hazledine | On Motherhood, Parenting, Pregnancy and Your Newborn
Getting Real with Kira Hazledine Just a warning: It’s going to get a little TMI, but motherhood is graphic, and I don’t hold anything back when it comes to moments that blow my mind. There’s all sorts of books on what to expect and the joys of motherhood, but few dare...
by Lisa Van De Graaff | Pregnancy and Your Newborn
MomPower Contributor Lisa Van De Graaff I gave birth to my baby at 2:40am, twenty-seven hours after those first pains I’d waited so long to feel. The contractions were regular from the start, and progressed normally. I rode the waves with the help of my partner, who...