A message from our friends at Army of Women:
For women under age 50, a breast cancer diagnosis can cause stress related to personal, work, and family responsibilities and the effect cancer treatments can have on reproductive health that is unique to women in this age group. Younger breast cancer survivors need effective techniques to help them manage stress and improve well-being.
Mindfulness is paying attention to present moment experiences with an element of openness and curiosity. Meditation is one way to bring mindfulness into your life. A research team at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) has developed a mindfulness meditation program that they hope will improve younger breast cancer survivors’ quality of life by, for example, decreasing depression, stress, and fatigue and improving sleep quality and biological functioning. Now, they need your help to see if it works!
Are you a female breast cancer survivor who was diagnosed before the age of 50? Were you diagnosed in 2001 or later? Do you live in or near the Los Angeles area? If you answered yes to all three questions, please read on to learn more about what’s involved and who can participate.
If you aren’t able to participate in this study, you can still do YOUR part: forward the Call to Action to someone you know who might be interested. As a member of the Army of Women you have an important opportunity to accelerate breast cancer research by forwarding this e-blast and helping to fill this study. And that’s not all! YOU can also make a difference by inviting your friends, family, colleagues–ANYONE you know over the age of 18–to join the Army of Women. Together, we can reach our goal of ONE MILLION strong!