Getting Real With Jennifer Poole
It is that time again when we make our lofty goals for 2011. The question is where will you be in 3 months regarding those goals. I am all for resolutions, but I suggest a few considerations to make when setting those resolutions. I would be willing to bet all the leftover Christmas candy in my house that most of us want to lose weight, be healthier etc.
That is a great goal but you need to think SMART when making the resolution. Most important is to write down the resolution and be able to review it every 4-6 weeks in case you need to make an adjustment. (Life can throw us curve balls that get in the way of our goals). Then use the SMART criteria to write out the goals.
- Make it SPECIFIC. “Lose weight” is too generic. How much weight or inches etc.
- Make it MEASURABLE. One issue with resolutions is we say we want to lose 50 pounds but don’t say by when and don’t build in mini goals along the way. Consider saying I will lose 50 pounds in 2011 by losing at least 5 pounds a month.
- Make it ATTAINABLE. Don’t say you are going to go to the gym 3 times a week of you don’t have one near by or have child care.
- Make your goal REALISTIC. You set yourself up for failure and disappointment if you set a goal to lose 10 pounds a week like on the Biggest Loser. 1-2 pounds a week is realistic and you are less likely to regain it.
- Finally, make sure your goal has a TIMEABLE. Not just a start and a finish date but the little dates in-between. By Valentines Day, by Spring Break etc.
Allow yourself some wiggle room and make adjustments to those goals when needed to help you stay on track. Baby steps and setting SMART goals and you will get there! Happy New Year!!
This is a great tool! I recommend it to all my clients. I invite everyone to take it on starting with the future goal in mind first and then going backwards. Thanks Jennifer!
I want to expand my mind and my thought processes. In fact, just yesterday I also commented on the Talk-Back Tuesday post over at Becky and Hollee where I decided I am going to make yoga a daily part of my life.