Getting Real with Kira Hazledine
Oh my.
I know that everyone has their own opinion. I certainly express mine all the time, especially in my own blogs. But my goodness. Sometimes I read other mom articles that pop-up in my news feed and all I can do is roll my eyes. Every mom is entitled to how they feel but come on. This article was all about how harmful letting your kids say “fart” is. Now, I’ve already talked about how swearing is not a big deal to me, but my goodness.
Fart? Your kids can’t say “fart.”
You would faint if you heard what comes out of my toddler’s mouth.
I’m on board with not calling other people mean names or saying things out of spite. My daughter, Hallie, will never be allowed to tell other children that they stink like farts or that they’re a fart-head. Any insults, even the unique ones, are never tolerated. It’s about teaching our children to be polite and kind individuals.
At the same time, I’m not going to tell Hallie that she can’t talk about farts, or “tooties,” as we call them in our household. Potty language is just a thing for kids. It’s funny. Hallie knew about poop being funny before I ever said anything. She came out of no where and asked for poop for a treat as a joke. Of course, I laughed out of shock because what the hell. Kids just know things.
Even as an adult, farts are funny to me. Call me immature, but I like to live my life not so seriously. It’s a completely normal bodily function, and honestly, teaching my daughter to “be a lady” is low on my list of priorities. If she is courteous given the situation, such as in the classroom, and kind to others I really don’t care if she says, “I farted.” Follow that up with “excuse me” and we are good to go.
How can you be mad at a child for using “potty language?” What even is that? It’s not shameful to do what every other human being does. Even as an adult in a professional workplace, we all knew way too much about each other’s bathroom habits. It’s not a big deal. I won’t encourage embarrassment in my children over something as simple as a fart, and I won’t put taboos on a harmless word.
Can we please find something better to worry about when it comes to our children?
As a commercial I just recently saw said, “The correct way to raise your child is your way”
That being said, you and your daughter need to be aware that the word fart can be very offensive to other parents and your daughter could be teaching their child a word they don’t want in his/her vocabulary.
I grew up in a “no fart word” house and I still will not say the word at 53.
My mom also rabidly detested the use of the word fool because of Bible verses; Matthew 5:22, Matthew 23:17 and Psalm 14:1. Paraphrase Matthew 5;22 ” whoever that says, ‘You fool,’ shall be guilty enough to go into the fiery hell.”
I’m not big into religion but my upbringing instilled a strong dislike for the word. I was in a 7-11 once, a 20ish kid was there and he ended every sentence with “fool”. Like, “Just a sec, fool. Let me go grab a sixer of beer, fool. And you’re paying for it, fool”
By the 3 “fool” I wanted to grab some strong soap and go to town on his mouth.
When we have a “president” who can say the kinds of things he does and a non-profit that can run an ad based on the words “Fuck You” I don’t think my granddaughter saying FART is going to offend anyone worth worrying about.