Getting Real with Kira Hazledine
Gratitude can be tough to practice, even outside of motherhood. As moms, we are almost always tired, almost always have chores to do, and almost always haven’t showered yet. But here we are, with our little blessings that we call children. With Thanksgiving right around the corner, it’s an appropriate time to remind ourselves why we even dared to attempt motherhood. I decided to take my typical day with my darling gremlin, and put a positive spin on everything.
- I am grateful that my daughter woke up happy this morning, even though she did smack me in the face to wake me up.
- I am grateful for my daughter’s vibrant personality, as she practiced her morning laps before my first cup of coffee.
- I am grateful that my daughter’s vocal chords are developing nicely, as I listen to her scream at the top of her lungs.
- I am grateful that she sometimes tears me away from the work that needs done, because our moments playing together are more important.
- I am grateful that my daughter loves the outdoors, and encourages me to go for walks despite cold temperatures.
- I am grateful that my daughter is always curious and exploring, despite touching everything that she is not supposed to touch.
- I am grateful for being able to stay at home with her, even though my lunch was cut short so that I could clean up rice off the floor.
- I’m grateful for my daughter’s strength, because she will be a hell of an athlete if she can already throw her lunch that
- I am grateful for my daughter’s eagerness to help, so that at least I’m not cleaning up rice by myself.
- I am grateful for my daughter’s interest in the music that helps her go to sleep for nap, as well as the same music that inspires dance parties. Even though I’ve seen these music videos a million times.
- I am grateful that my daughter insists on sleeping next to me during naps, so that I have company while I work and legs on my lap.
- I am grateful that we get to spend the afternoons waiting for daddy to come home, even if it means watching out the window for an hour.
- I am grateful that dinner is like lunch, because the excitement truly never ends.
- I am grateful that my daughter catches her second wind after dinner, running through the house at full speed. I have never seen so much joy, and even though I’m tired, it always makes me laugh.
- I am grateful that my showers are almost never without her, because her fascination with water is too cute, and she tries to help wash us both.
- I am grateful that my daughter is still nursing, despite her constant pinching, because these snuggly moments won’t last forever.
- I am grateful that my daughter is avoiding sleep with unending conversation, because I love the way she calls me “mama” and how she says “night-night.”
- I am grateful that my daughter sleeps between my husband and I, even though I do scoot her over sometimes, because she makes our family whole.
Regardless of my sarcasm, I am truly grateful for all these moments and more. When I’m frustrated or exhausted, sometimes all it takes is a shift in perspective. I am grateful for every second with Hallie, even the most exhausting ones. She is the light of my life, and I will continue to practice gratitude, most likely dressed in sarcasm, even after the holiday. Practicing gratitude can also help you think about what a great mom YOU are. Those kids that you are grateful for have you to thank for all their cuteness, and then some.
What frustrating moments are you grateful for?