by Tammy Bartholomew


Love is a mystery
Found in interesting places
Created by people
Things, time & spaces
It can be given freely
Or come with a cost
Keep it forever
Mostly always lost
Established from a distance
Or over a period of time
Sometimes a hidden secret
Love is even blind
The hardest love
Is to Love ourselves
Continually looking for it
From things or someone else
Why can’t we be happy
Without continued affirmations
Materialistic things
Other contributions
Some want to share
Through touch & emotions
All this does is mix
With our devotions
It doesn’t seem
Enough giving it freely
It just gets pushed away
While others take it so willingly
When taken
And not given back
Our heart is broken
Not knowing how to react
Time tends to heal
Love that is lost
Another journey looking
Finding it at all cost
If we are not getting
The love to fill the empty hole
We will go scouring risking
It all to fill our soul
We get furious when
Our Love is taken
Thinking we deserved it
But we are sadly mistaken
Becoming jaded an angry
Revenge becomes the plan
How can this be
Why don’t we understand
Give your heart so young
Thinking it is forever
That is just not the case
With all life’s endeavors
Balance is the key
Know what fills the part
Forgiveness is needed
To let Love in your heart
Who Is My Protector

Who is my Protector
When I go astray
Helps with my insecurities
Problems along the way
It should be my father
It will never be
To many issues of his own
Not always able to help me
Is it my mother
Yes from the day I was born
Sometimes overwhelmed
Never leaving me alone
It should be my ex husband 
But to busy always to deal
Can’t depend on him
Himself learning how to heal
My counselor
Listens and reaffirms
But me teaching myself
For what I have learned
Is it a new man 
Trying to fit his mold
Not to be fat, independent or strong
Opinionated or too bold
Is it my Bestie
When I have a bad day
Just pick up the phone
I am a phone call away
Why do people think
I am the solver of problems
Never the first to know
Always where it ends
Searching frantically
When problems arise
Not knowing the answer
Too much of a surprise
Ask myself again
Who will be there to protect me
Will it be God
For all eternity
Please save me
Relieves me from the pain
Teach me that I am
The one not to blame
Help me come up with a solution
Put a plan in motion
Calm all the people
From this great commotion
Let them know 
I need protection too
Don’t always have the answers
Let him see them through
Teach me from the
Help me through today
Guide me into tomorrow
Protect me when I don’t know the way
Freedom to Fly 

White picket fence
Two car garage
Three perfect children
Full time jobs
Day to day living
Family vacations
Love growing
Building relations
Dining out
Church on Sunday
Cleaning house
Kids we would play
Tables turn
In half a life
Choices made
No longer a wife
Single moments
Dust starting to settle
Gathering information
Start fixing the mental
Pain and suffering
Heart mending
Old and new
Starts blending
Not a failure
My new reality
Focus on the future
And what will be
Savor the moments
Time to spend
Patience and peace
Learning to bend
A piece of the cookie
Instead of the whole
Content with that
Blessing to my soul
As the breeze
Continues to blow by
Give myself permissions
Wings and freedom to fly