Getting Real with Kira Hazledine
It’s officially panic weekend for those who haven’t gotten their significant others a Christmas gift. Kids are easy: A color book and whatever toy and they are pretty happy. So why do we struggle when we are giving gifts to our life partner? I know, it’s tough to give a gift when you are already the greatest gift they have.
Aside from wrapping yourself up and hiding underneath the tree, you need some real options. It’s crunch time, but rather than peruse the prepackaged aisles of hot cocoa packages and movie night presents, think simple. What does your partner enjoy?
Honestly, my husband could get me chocolate or ice cream for every single anniversary, birthday, and holiday and I would be completely content. He knows me. That’s what I love. Mix it up a bit with different varieties of chocolate or even upgrade to the “fancy” kind and you have one satisfied customer.
What about experiences that you two can do together? Create your own coupons that offer massages, date nights, or something funny like vacuuming or doing the dishes. If you two are music lovers, find a local concert. If you are foodies, seek out a new restaurant you’ve never been to and grab a gift card.
Maybe your partner would love some peace and quiet. If my husband told me that next weekend was completely mine and handed me a movie voucher, I would be ecstatic. I love my children, but “me time” doesn’t happen often. Even creating a collage of family photos with the kids and their sticky hands would be such a special gift, and it’s nothing that anyone could find on the Wal-Mart shelves.
Don’t overthink gift-giving. That’s not what the holidays are about and it truly is the thought that counts. All your partner wants to know is that you tried, even if you missed the mark a little.