Getting Real with Shadra Bruce

Thanks to the wonderful community we’re building here, MomsGetReal has already logged two great discussions for 2012, one from Kathy Winn talking about the couch as the best location for celebrating New Year’s Eve, and one from Jennifer Poole talking about the importance of choosing a medical proxy – something you need to do even if you’re young and healthy (thanks, Jessica!).

This is not, however, how things were supposed to roll out this year. We were supposed to launch the year with a great big exciting NEW YEAR, NEW YOU event..But first, I have to finish recovering from my almost-had-pneumonia bronchitis, which is doing its best to do me in.

So, our NEW YEAR, NEW YOU event may run into February, but that’s ok, because the chocolate month could use a bit of our self-improvement help, I’d think.

Or maybe next week.

If I haven’t coughed up a lung by then.
