Getting Real with Megan Gregory

To the mom who is ignoring her screaming child in the cart at the grocery store – I’m with you.

To the mom who is overwhelmed and crying in her closet because she hasn’t been alone in years and needs five minutes to breathe – I’m with you.

To the mom who turns on cartoons so she can accomplish one thing on her daily to-do list – I’m with you.

To the mom who wears the same rotating set of four outfits because she still hasn’t gotten her body back – I’m with you.

To the mom who wants to take a day off but feels guilty about doing it – I’m with you.

To the mom who wants to have a healthy household but can’t afford it or find the time to create it – I’m with you.

To the mom who knows she should feel happy when her baby is born but feels consumed by darkness instead – I’m with you.

To the mom who is proud to be able breastfeed her baby but feels trapped by it – I’m with you.

To the mom who is constantly surrounded by energy but feels alone – I’m with you.

To the mom trying her very hardest every day but feeling like she’s coming up short – I’m with you.

Motherhood comes with many beautiful and magical things, but it’s not always so sparkly, and you’re not alone.  I see you, I feel you, and I am with you.