Getting Real With Shadra Bruce
While we were gone for 35 days, life went on without us. The Mourning Dove that nests above our back door hatched another set of baby birds that have already left the nest.
Our guppies had not one but two sets of babies (I’m wondering at what point the tank will be too small to support them all!)
The flowers grew and bloomed (and so did the weeds).
Now that we’re home, we’re having a bit of trouble adjusting to life as normal, but we have been enjoying watching the fish and birds, having delicious home-cooked meals, and not being stuck in the car for hours on end. It’s as important to help kids transition back to normal after travel as it is to prep them for a long trip.
School doesn’t begin here until after Labor Day, so they still have a month off. While we will go see their sister at the end of the month when she returns to college, the rest of our summer will likely be quiet compared to what they’ve been used to on the road for a month. Our kids felt a letdown at being home and we’d planned ahead to anticipate that, taking them to a movie Friday and for a short outing Saturday to ease them back into typical summer boredom. The downtime is nice, but a little part of us dreams of selling everything, buying a big bus-like RV, homeschooling the kids, and staying on the road.